Well guys, I just purchased a contract with a new company to do our webhosting. Once I get all of the confirmation and site built, the site will be up. One of our fellow members "Stiffler" will be building the new site as a complimentary favor. I appreciate it Stiffler!!!
Keep an eye out for a really nice site! Also, the forums may be transfered to run side by side with the regular website also. We are going to try and get all of this info on the site. I'll keep everyone posted!
Thanks, Jay
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
Thanks 98zr600LE, We're just trying to make it easier and more functional for you guys and give all who visit the main site the opportunity to get on the forums and chat a bit more.
Like I said up top, everything should be on ONE single site so there is no transferring between the two. Everything seems to be going very well and we hope to unveil many more products soon to our members and the public, and with the new site it will be much more user friendly!
As of now, these forums will be still in use, but hopefully very soon we will be switching everything over to the new site. With the help of Stiffler (Spencer), we'll be trying to save all of the posts and threads on this forums by transferring them over the other site, but that may not be possible and it may come down to starting from square one.
I'll keep everyone posted, and hope to see you all stick around!!
Thanks, Jay
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
Hey all... Im trying to get the forums backed up and transfered over...but as of now the company that is hosting this forum says there is no way to do it....
So it is quite possible that we are all going to have to re-register and start posting all over again...
when the time comes you will know.
Also the site I am going to add will be in phpnuke format so it is easy for fourwerx to admin. This being the case you will all have to register on the home site.
again when the time comes you will all know and hope to see you around when the time comes..
Thanks again Spencer! We seem to be moving in a possitive direction and soon enough we should have a fully functional website. As Stiffler stated above, due to the inability to back up this site, we may have to re-sign up manually. Sorry for the inconvience, but I'm sure it will definatley be worth it in the end.
I appreciate all of your cooperation once again!! ~Jay
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
That kinda sucks that we have to re register but I guess if the site is going to be that much better it will be worth it in the end. Can't wait to see the final product. Do you guys have any range of time when it will be complete? Good Luck!
Stiffler is working hard on the site as we speak. Looks like there are going to be alot of really cool features!!! You guys will be happy, I guarentee it!!
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
Update: Well Spencer has been on the ball with building the site and it looks like an unfinished but usable version of the site may be up by the end of the weekend. He's been hard at work getting some of the new features working and also we've been delayed trying to get the domain stuff swtiched over.
I will have another update for you guys as soon as possible.. Thanks, Jay
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
Please just type ( www.fourwerx.com ) into your browser. For some reason this forum is weird with linking other sites.
The new site is up and is all ready for you guys to go over there and sign up. Just be informed that the site is not completed, but the forums are. On the top of the forums page you can register and also log in up top after filling in your registration.
If you guys have any questions or problems, email me @ fwm@fourwerx.com
Thanks guys, Jay
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
I think it might just be me but I registered and everything and got the traditional confirmation email with a link that will confirm my info but when I clicked on the link I got an Error 404 page. Maybe I'll try again later.
1998 ZR 600 EFI LE
Powermadd pivot adapter and riser-4.5" totally
1.25" Ripsaw
Powder Pro skis
D&D Pipe
D&D Quiet Can
Ceramic Coating
'02 ZR bars and controls
Rox Sled Treads
Probably other stuff too!