While reading the newest edition of ATV Action magazine, I couldn't help but notice an article about AMA's 07 season intentions.
From what I gathered in the article, it looks like the AMA liked what they saw with WPSA putting out a TV schedule last season. WPSA had a very large fan base from the get go and in no time at all made a great impression on the ATV racing world for all of us riders, focusing mainly on ATV motocross and also Quad Terrain using 4x4 atv's to race through tuff terrain.
For 2007, the AMA has announced that they will be launching a Pro ATV MX Championship series and will be putting together a TV schedule to showcase all of the 12 rounds of racing. There is speculation that AMA will follow in its own footsteps and be having OLN airing its racing action.
Also there is also talk about a 250cc pro division class for the 2008 season that sounded undoubtly interesting in that manufacturers may be releasing a few 250cc racers for 08... Keep your ears and eyes open boy and girls, this could get interesting!!!
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing