Hey Y'all, Create the funniest caption to go along with this picture and I will make sure to get you a free FourWerx sticker ASAP.....Good Luck and God Speed!
That is funny as shit!! Just so everyone knows, this pic is of a riding buddy from last year. He no longer rides with us for some reason, but used to be big into freestyle.
Lets see what you all can do with it! ~Jay
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
Shit others better start coming up with something, cuz all of your captions are funny as shit. I showed my girlfriend this and she couldn't stop laughing...
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
ZR, You are a genious!!!! They way you pick out wierd stuff in the background and make a joke.....Keep em' coming!! Too bad Jack is gone somewhere doing who knows what, he would get a kick out of this!
ZR, Too late, I just drowned all my puppies. Jay-o, he REALLY was scared..When was the last time he actually jumped anything.He was scared of his own quad! I jumped the 60 footer on his machine before he did! SUCKA!!! He will be missing out on the sickest stuff EVER!!!! FourWerx Compound 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hell yea, I think he got freaked when as you guys were riding, I was out there with the skid loader adding onto them. HAHA.. I don't think we ever rode the same track cuz we added on or changed it everytime we rode.
We'll have to go over the layout and get your arse down here to help make the track. You can man the lawn chair while I work.....Just point fingers and tell me how big!!
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
Don't you just hate it when your mom forgets to put a shirt on you in the morning after takiing a bath? I mean it is moms job to dress you when you are 23!
This is how you turn out after hanging out with Jay for a summer
Do you think 50 Cent might consider me as the newest member of his G-Unit?
I bet these are getting sucky, I had a good streak going though
1998 ZR 600 EFI LE
Powermadd pivot adapter and riser-4.5" totally
1.25" Ripsaw
Powder Pro skis
D&D Pipe
D&D Quiet Can
Ceramic Coating
'02 ZR bars and controls
Rox Sled Treads
Probably other stuff too!
haha... Come on Boss give this guy a run for his money. Frank will be on in a bit, and hopefully he can come up with another picture to get captions to...
haha. ~Jay
Thanks to my 07 Sponsors: DRG, ASV Inventions, Janssen Motorsports, Hiper Technology, and BVC Racing
I can't believe you are so ugly! I'm literally strangling myself and doing with a smaile on my face because i want to get away from that God-forsaken face!
1998 ZR 600 EFI LE
Powermadd pivot adapter and riser-4.5" totally
1.25" Ripsaw
Powder Pro skis
D&D Pipe
D&D Quiet Can
Ceramic Coating
'02 ZR bars and controls
Rox Sled Treads
Probably other stuff too!
ZR, You are the greatest man I have ever known..I am humbled just to be in your presence...I bow down to the caption master. Here is another test for you. Focus your power and release your inhabitions, only you can prevent forest fires.
This maybe the wrong time to ask this, but which is the REAR brake agiain?
The one time when I get smoked in the family jewels while riding my quad I forget to wear the cup!
And my mom always told to not to wear t shirts while riding!
I wonder if Frank got this crash on film? God, I hope he was turned away!
Nice dirt, nice soft, dirt
Did I take the garbage out this morning?
I just got a text message from my mom, we're have macaroni for dinner tonight! That means garlic bread! Yessssssssssss!
Maybe if I take my shirt off and show them my awesome bod, they will maybe forget it ever happened?
I know what to do! I'll freeze time with my magic watch, get off the quad, invent some sort of front wheel drive, get back where I am with my gut on the throttle, and impress my friends!
I wonder if anyone will ever make fun of me on a website called fourwerx for doing this?
Next up on the gymnastic floor, Jack doing a somersault with the aid of his Suzuki quad!
Look! My favorite type of Earthworm!
I fall off this damn quad so often I think its time for a seat belt!
At least my helmet looks somewhat cool while I'm in the middle of this stoppie.
Blue and white is just not my color.
When I woke up this morning did I think to myself I'm going to hit every jump and land everything with the utmost percision, or did I say to myself I'm going embarress myself by hucking right in front of Frank............I thought number one but I think number two is the more sensible answer now.
Jay did say that this was the way to be cool in Japanese
Sure, everything was going great until Jay cursed me by putting his hucking potion in my Red Bull this morning
If I imagine I'm one with the dirt, will it hurt less?
Why did I believe you when you said this ATV thing was easy to do!?
I shoulda stayed with sleds, at least if you crash you don't get rough dirt up your ass crack.
These are as if the quad could talk:
I told you are NOT jumping me off that 20 footer!
Better luck next time, cowboy
Here's your stop buddy- the corner of face full of dirt and skined up elbows
I'll probably be able to think of some more tomorrow!
1998 ZR 600 EFI LE
Powermadd pivot adapter and riser-4.5" totally
1.25" Ripsaw
Powder Pro skis
D&D Pipe
D&D Quiet Can
Ceramic Coating
'02 ZR bars and controls
Rox Sled Treads
Probably other stuff too!