I ran a set of Elka quad rates, comp and rebound adjust on RPM arms on my YFZ, along with a DeRisi Rebuild stocker in the rear. The Elkas installed in a snap and adjusted pretty easily, the shocks looked great to boot!
The DeRisi rear was very easy to install and adjust. Santo DeRisi at DeRisi racing is a top notch guy..A little slow to get the work done, but very nice a knowledgable.
The Elkas worked flat out AWESOME...Of course I sold them and bought something else, cuz thats what I do, but these shocks flat out worked great. I over shot a double and landed flat hard enough to rip my stock skid plate off and I walked away with no pain! They soaked up everything with ease and smoothness..I regret selling them and I reccomend them to anyone!
The DeRisi rebuold rear is considered a "budget" mod in comparison to a full aftermarket rear, but this shock worked great, better than my FOX PodiumX ! It sat very nice and handled quite smoothly..The shock felt very plush and resisted bottoming VERY well. I HIGHLY reccomend this shock to anyone not looking to spend too much, but who wants great performance. Check out DeRisi racing and maybe Santo will deal with you a bit on the price.